


Select a date to view / hide the detail or a year to activate all activities for that year


General Information


Contract Area Map

Contractor and Joint and Several Obligors

Local Content and Rules for Procurement


State Revenue

SOURCE: Mexican Petroleum Fund for Stabilization and Development

contenido 11

Environmental Aspects



Report (Spanish Version Only)

Documents (Spanish Version Only)


National Agency of Industrial Safety and Environment Protection of the Hydrocarbon Sector (ASEA)

Social Aspects


This section contains the Social Impact Assessment, submitted by the Contractor to the Ministry of Energy under the Hydrocarbon Law, Article 121.

Social Impact Assessments, EVIS (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit A (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit B (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit C (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit D (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit E (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit F (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit G (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit H (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit I (Spanish Version Only)

Ministry of Energy (SENER)