Round 1. Deep Waters

Fourth Invitation to Bid. Bidding Process CNH-R01-L04/2015

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction License Contracts

Access to Data

Access to a single Data Pack will be granted by means of two encrypted hard drives with information on the 10 contract areas.

Both hard drives must be collected upon prior appointment from the Convening Authority's office starting January, 2016. 

An encryption key will be sent to the interested party by email.

Visits in person to Data Room are optional and appointments are necessary.

Information in the Data Pack includes: 

  • Executive Summary per well
  • 3D Seismic Surveys in SEG-Y format
  • Documents on the basin's geology
  • Regional correlation information on wells
  • LAS, LIS or DLIS well logs
  • Complete version of the Geological Atlas


*Information below is available in Spanish only. 

Bidding Committee

Martín Álvarez Magaña

Yara Cyntia Gual Angeles

Access to Data Room

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Bidding Calendar

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