Round 3. Onshore

Second Invitation to Bid. Bidding Process CNH-R03-L02/2018

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction License Contracts

White Paper

On December 11, 2018, the Governing Body of CNH approved the cancellation of Bidding Process CNH-R03-L02/2018. Resolution issued  by the Governing Body durring the 70th Extraordinary Session.

The National Hydrocarbons Commission has provided all citizens with access to the White Paper of the Second Bidding Process of Round Three, which can be found under the second tab of this section. Likewise, the subsequent tabs feature supporting documents on the most relevant actions, organized according to the different stages established in the Administrative Regulations for Exploration and Exploration Bidding Processes, issued by this Commission.

1. White Paper (Spanish Version Only)

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White Paper (Spanish Version Only)

2. Contract Area Selection

Official Notice whereby the Ministry of Energy requests technical assistance from the National Hydrocarbons Comission for the selection of hydrocarbon exploration and extraction contract areas in accordance with the Hydrocarbons Law, article 29, section I, and the Ministry of Energy's Internal Regulations, article 19, section X. (Spanish Version Only)

Supporting Decision Document for contract area selection, issued by the National Hydrocarbons Commission, under article 29, section I of the Hydrocarbons Law (Spanish Version Only)

Governing Body Session Act whereby an opinion on contract area selection is issued, under article 22, sections I and III of the Coordinated Energy Regulatory Body Act, and article 29, sections 1 and 31 of the Hydrocarbons Law (Spanish Version Only)

Official Notice from the National Hydrocarbons Commission to the Ministry of Energy, whereby technical assisstance on the contract areas is provided under article 31, section 1 of the Hydrocarbons Law (Spanish Version Only)

Official Notice by the Deputy Ministry of Hydrocarbons (Ministry of Energy), whereby the National Hydrocarbons Commission was informed on the intention of submitting the Second Invitation to Bid for Round 3 (Spanish Version Only).

Official Notice by the Deputy Ministry of Hydrocarbons (Ministry of Energy), whereby the National Hydrocarbons Commission was informed on the alteration to the cotract areas selected for the Second Invitation to Bid of Round 3 (Spanish Version Only).  

3. Contractual Model Selection per each Contract Area

Official Notice whereby the Ministry of Energy sets the contractual model for each contract area and requests the opinion of the National Hydrocarbons Commission under article 29, section III of the Hydrocarbons Law and article 36 of the Regulations thereof (Spanish Version Only).

Act whereby the Governing Body issued an opinion on the Contractual Model, under the Coordinated Regulatory Bodies Law, article 22, sections I and II and the Hydrocarbon Law, article 29, section III (Spanish Version Only).

Official Notice whereby the National Hydrocarbons Commission issues an opinion on the contractual model under article 29, section III of the Hydrocarbons Law and article 36, section I of the Regulations thereof (Spanish Version Only).

4. Awarding Mechanism and Variable Selection for Contract Area Awarding 

Official Notice whereby the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit announces the awarding mechanism for contract areas that will be subject to a bidding process, under article 6, section II of the Regulations of Hydrocarbon Revenue Law (Spanish Version Only)

5.  Preparation of Prequalification Criteria and required information for the Invitation to Bid and the Bidding Guidelines

Official Notice whereby the Ministry of Energy sends information for the preparation of Bidding Guidelines under the Hydrocarbons Law, article 23, which foresaw the awarding of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Contracts by CNH through a Bidding Process. This Ministry is in charge of sending all necessary information to CNH in order to issue the corresponding Invitation to Bid, as mentioned in the Regulation of the Hydrocarbons Law, articles 35 and 36 (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit One of the Official Notice by the Ministry of Energy: Identification of Contract Areas that will be subject to a Bidding Process (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit Two of the Official Notice by the Ministry of Energy: Technical Terms and Conditions of the individual and consortium contractual model, with a positive opinion by the Commission and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit  (Spanish Version Only).

Exhibit Three of the Official Notice by the Ministry of Energy: Technical Guidelines of the Bidding Process (Spanish Version Only).

Exhibit Four of the Official Notice by the Ministry of Energy: Economic Terms pertaining to the fiscal terms of the Contract, as well as the terms to be observed during the Bidding Process, set by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit Five of the Official Notice by the Ministry of Energy: Opinion issued by the Federal Economic Competition Commission on the prequalification criteria and the awarding mechanism (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit Six of the Official Notice by the Ministry of Energy: Official Notice by the Deputy Ministry of Hydrocarbons (Ministry of Energy) on the minimum local content percentage set in the Exploration and Extraction Model Contract, with a previous opinion by the Ministry of Economy (Spanish Version Only). 

Exhibit Seven of the Official Notice by the Minisry of Energy: Five-Year Plan for Bidding Processes. 2017 Assessment (Spanish Version Only)

Official Notice whereby the Ministry of Energy submitted the opinion by the Federal Economic Competition Commission regarding the prequalification criteria and the awarding mechanism (Spanish Version Only). 

Official Notice whereby the Deputy Ministry of Hydrocarbons (Ministry of Energy) submitted the Social Impact Assessment of the Second Invitation to Bid of Round 3, to the National Hydrocarbons Commission (Spanish Version Only)

Exhibit of the Official Notice by the Deputy Ministry of Hydrocarbons (Ministry of Energy): Social Impact Assessment (Spanish Version Only)

6. Publication of the Invitation to Bid and the Bidding Guidelines

Governing Body Session Act, whereby an agreement was reached on issuing the Publication of the Invitation to Bid, under the Energy Regulatory Bodies Law, article 22, sections I, III and VIII of the Coordinated Energy Regulatory Bodies Law (Spanish Version Only).

Publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation of the Invitation to Bid number CNH-R03-C02/2018 for International Bidding Process CNH-R03-L02/2018. (Spanish Version Only)

Bidding Guidelines issued by the Governing Body of the National Hydrocarbons Commission, under the Coordinated Energy Regulatory Bodies Law, article 22, section I and III, and the Hydrocarbons Law, article 31, section III (Spanish Version Only).

Official Notice whereby the Bidding Committee was appointed, as approved by the Governing Body on the motion of the President Commissioner, under article 8 of the Administrative Provisions on Bidding Processes of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Contracts (Spanish Version Only).

Alterations to the Bidding Guidelines, including the Contract during the Bidding Process:

Bidding Guidelines


7. Access to Data Room Information

List of companies that had access to the Data Room in accordance with article 12, section III of the Administrative Provisions on Bidding Processes of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Contracts (Spanish Version Only).

8. Clarification Stage

Acts whereby the Bidding Committee answered questions asked during each stage, in accordance with the Administrative Provisions on Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction Bidding Processes, article 16 and the Regulations of the Hydrocarbons Law, article 42. 

1. Access to Data Room and Registration.
2. Prequalification and bidder conformation.
3. Bid submission and opening, awarding, ruling and contract

Sept 27, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Sept 3, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Aug 20, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Aug 1, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Jul 23, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Jul 16, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Jul 9, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

May 28, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

May 21, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

May 7, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Apr 30, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Apr 23, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Apr 16, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Feb 26, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

Feb 12, 2018 (Spanish Version Only)

9. Bidding Process Cancellation

Agreement CNH.E.70.003/18, dated December 11, 2018, whereby the Governing Body issued the resolution on the cancellation on Bidding Process CNH-R03-L02/2018 for the award of Onshore Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction License (Spanish Version Only)

Resolution CNH.E.70.003/18, dated December 11, 2018, whereby the Governing Body resolved to cancellation of Bidding Process CNH-R03-L02/2018 for the award of Onshore Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction License (Spanish Version Only)

Governing Body Session Act whereby the National Hydrocarbons Commission unanimously adopted the Resolution and Agreement on the Cancellation of Bidding Process CNH-R03-L02/2018 for the award of Onshore Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction License (Spanish Version Only)


Bidding Committee

Ernestina Pombo Hernández

Carlos Moreno Solé



Data Room Access

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Bidding Calendar

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