Round 2. Deep Waters

Fourth invitation to Bid. Bidding Process CNH-R02-L04/2017

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Extraction License Contracts

Access to Data

This section contains information related to Access to Data of Bidding Process CNH-R02-L04/2016.

Access will be granted through information available in the National Hydrocarbon Information Center (CNIH), and by means of User Licenses and Information Supplements corresponding to seismic studies and wells related to the Contract Area.

The process established in the Guidelines for the use of information held in the National Hydrocarbon Information Center must be followed in order to acheive the foregoing.

Information available consists of 2D seismic, 3D seismic and well data, and can be viewed on the web portal of the National Hydrocarbons Comission, at the CNIH section.

*Information below is available in Spanish only.

Bidding Commitee

Martín Álvarez Magaña

Arcenia Viridiana De la Rosa García


Access to Data Room

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Bidding Calendar

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