


Select a date to view / hide the detail or a year to activate all activities for that year


General Information


Contract Area Map

Contractor and Joint and Several Obligors

Local Content and Rules for Procurement


State Revenue


  1. Contract Fee for the Exploration Phase is only applicable to Contract Areas without a Development Plan approved by CNH. 
  2. Basic Royalty is the compensation on behalf of the State, as determined for every Hydrocarbon Type by applying the corresponding rate, and in accordance with sections I to III of the Hydrocarbon Revenue Law, Article 23, and with the Contractal Value of Oil, Gas and Condensates.
  3. Additional Royalty is the compensation established in the Contract, by applying a rate to the Hydrocarbon Contractual Value. Clause 15.2, section (c) has been established for contracts resulting from license L03.

SOURCE: Mexican Petroleum Fund for Stabilization and Development

contenido 11


1/ Calculation of overall monthly production does not consider Operating Days
2/ Net hydrocarbons measured under commercially acceptable conditions in the measuring points. Net hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons produced without considering flared, vented or self-consumption hydrocarbons.

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contenido 12